Welcome to the Most Subscribed English World of Warcraft Twitch Channels Leaderboard, September 2024!

Here, you can find a comprehensive list of the top Twitch channels, ranked by their number of subscribers. This leaderboard is updated daily, so you can stay up-to-date on the latest rankings in the world of Twitch streaming.

All numbers reflected on this page are approximations, but should be useful for comparisons across streams or over time. These numbers are based on Monthly Active Subscribers (MAS), which will capture any subscription event that occurs while the subscriber is watching a stream. These values are for the trailing 30-day period ending today.

Data last updated 19 hours ago

Channel Monthly Active Subs Earnings New Subs Gifts Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Prime Gift Upgrades Prime Upgrades
393 $1,071 255 82 248 0 9 136 0 0
391 $976 5 344 373 0 0 18 0 0
389 $1,011 80 166 284 0 4 101 0 1
387 $998 38 96 273 1 3 110 0 1
382 $966 3 352 372 1 1 8 0 0
377 $991 26 284 333 0 5 39 1 1
376 $993 6 332 360 2 5 9 0 1
366 $963 28 282 331 0 5 30 0 3
360 $998 5 274 331 4 9 16 1 0
360 $901 80 131 263 1 0 96 0 0
351 $876 2 334 345 0 0 6 0 0
349 $883 43 228 303 1 1 44 0 1
349 $881 92 213 269 0 1 79 0 0
348 $881 101 146 238 1 1 108 1 1
346 $868 7 182 297 2 0 47 0 1